Doggie Discord

We also have 3 dogs. I have a yorkie-poo named Demon that I paid $450 for almost ten years ago. Then we had some houseguests who had a jack russell/chihuahua mix. Naturally, theirs was a female and mine is a male. We warned them ahead of time but they didn't heed said warning and wound up with 2 puppies. My husband's dog is one of the puppies. His name is DJ. They got along fine when we first got the puppy. They slept cuddled up with each other all the time. They played and wrestled with each other all day. They loved each other.

Then we foolishly brought the houseguests into our house again, and this time they not only had the female but the other puppy who was a male. Their male looks exactly like my husband's dog only a little bigger. They assumed that because theirs and my husband's dog are brothers they would get along fine. Ah, NO. They didn't. They hated each other. Our houseguest said their dog was bigger so he could take our dog. Well, he tossed their dog into the kitchen with ours and ours had theirs pinned to the floor in no time. They quickly realized that size doesn't mean everything. After they left things in our house were never the same. My dog and my husband's dog cannot be in the same room without a huge fight happening.

We have to keep them tied up in separate rooms and a gate between them. That is hard on everyone.

Then our son got a puppy. We were "dogsitting" for my son's girlfriend's mom after a family tragedy. We had our two, and their black lab and 3 puppies. The puppies are chihuahua, rat terrier and shiperke mix. It was so much fun. The black lab was a female named Maya and she liked to sleep on the couch with her head (and sometimes more) in my husband's lap. The puppies followed our son everywhere. As did Maya. Every time he went to his room he had all the dogs and puppies following behind. It was priceless to see. One of the puppies attached himself to our son right away. Every day when we let them out of their box this one puppy always went straight down the hall to our son's room.

When they were finally able to return to their home one of the puppies was given to our son. A no brainer as to which one. His name is Jerry. He is really attached to our son Jesse. When Jesse went to school Jerry would sit and howl for hours. I can't even describe the howl except to say it is hilarious. It's more like he's horse or losing his voice.

We finally got Jerry to sleep in my chair with me and my dog Demon. But, as soon as Jesse got home Jerry abandoned me and was with Jesse every second. If Jesse went into the bathroom alone Jerry would sit outside the door and do his "howl" until Jesse came out. It is awesome to see how those two have bonded. My older son Allen has a sister to Jerry from a previous litter named Lily and his girlfriend Katie has one of Jerry's brothers named Mufasa.

Demon and Jerry got along tremendously. They went out together and chased each other around the yard. And, as I said earlier, they both slept in my chair with me. I even just got a leash adapter so we could take them both for a walk on the same leash.

Now we can't do that. Demon and Jerry got into a fight when Jesse had food. Then one day they got into a fight when Jesse was giving attention to the wrong dog. Now they don't get along at all. They see each other and try to tear each other apart. We now have to all three apart. Jerry and DJ can still be in the same room for the most part.

It is really hard on me because I love all three of our dogs. It is horrible having to keep them all tied up all the time but we have no choice. I wish we could figure out a way for them all to get along with each other. I'm even afraid the discord will extend to Lily and Mufasa so they won't bring them around and I won't get to see them. My children's dogs are my grandchildren so I don't want to lose seeing them.

If anyone has any suggestions on how we can get rid of the "doggie discord" in our home please let us know. You can send suggestions to this newspaper or directly to me at Email. Thanks.

Good Luck and God Bless.